Tuesday, April 3, 2012

30 Seconds of the Santorum I Agree With


I’ve been very hard on Rick Santorum lately but I found 30 seconds I completely agree with in a “moment of truth” from CPAC 2010. 

Never better put Rick.  I agree.

Perhaps this is why his former intern says:

“He doesn’t have the character, the temperament or the policies to lead,” said Ryan Shafik, a former Santorum intern who now runs Rockwood Strategies political consulting firm in New Cumberland. “He treats people really badly with arrogance and contempt. Yeah, he’s pro-life. Yeah, he’s Mr. Social Conservative. But he is, in my mind, unfit to be president.”

And why Pennsylvania Tea Partiers say:

“Now to show up and act like he was the original tea party candidate is absurd,” said High, the former Eichelberger aide. “But he’s phony. He’ll go to extreme lengths to be perceived as the most conservative guy in the room, but when it’s time to cut a deal to advance his political career, he’ll do it in a heartbeat.”

We conservatives CLAIM to be of the breed of the original Boston Tea Partiers who didn’t compromise.  Why in the world would we elect a blatant hypocrite with a large body of evidence that he:

  • Can’t tell the truth. Part 1
  • Will betray the prolife movement in a heartbeat. Part 2
  • Has consistently compromised “principle” when it most mattered. Part 3

If what people actually DID in office, is more reliable than what they SAY you have to compare the candidates on their actual record on:

If Rick Santorum RAN in Pennsylvania on “principled conservative values” and did the following, exactly why would you believe he would do any different as President.


Amen. I wish I could get a copy of that cpac video in youtube somewhere!

I continue to be frustrated that he is getting a pass on the body armor issue. That was 80% of the casualties in the Iraq War that can be laid at Santorum's feet.

I continue to be frustrated that "Mr Foreign Policy" is so anti-intelligence that he exposed assets at play and put the plans for building a nuclear bomb on the internet.

His supporters seem to ignore Santorum's ties to the 'Brotherhood. No doubt, Santorum is knowledgeable, but as he spews his knowledge, he sides with them, just as he spews against Planned Parenthood while he votes for Title X



I think you may have brought this up for and I missed it. I have a few blogs backed up but if you want to write a piece on this I can put it up. Otherwise - i'll get to it shortly. Thanks again.

The bird.

Thank you, you are the best!

Re-enforce the above, I offer this to your readers.

You know, this has been hard for me. I want to believe him, but I know the truth. I am the one person who should be advocating loudly for him, yet I tell America there is a danger in nominating this man.

But when you know someone presents one way, and you know they are not so, it is hard to keep one's peace on the matter. It rubs as a pebble at one's heart to remain silent.

We absolutely cannot afford Santorum at this juncture. I am not certain we can afford Romney either. We need someone who has the ability to turn this country around, not someone trying to figure out where all the stuff is hidden. Nice speeches (Ron Paul) are great, but we need an effective leader who knows what to do and will follow through, and get the job done. We cannot afford to "train the guy."

We need someone for whom there are no constitutional eligibility issues. Our nation is close, if not beyond, mission critical. Confidence in the next POTUS is crucial for confidence in the economy and for America's future. Eligibility issues, both constitutional and financial erode that confidence.

Santorum and Talent lost their seats for a reason. I pray that America wakes up before it is too late. I do not wish Santorum ill will, for certainly he must realize by now that he, Rubio, and Jindhal may not serve as POTUS for reasons laid out by our founding fathers. Early on I argued that Santorum might have been a possible person for the SCOTUS. But now, having learned what I have learned, I wonder if he could even survive confirmation hearings, given his interpretation of the constitution limiting individual liberties rather than government.

Thank you again, Politjim.

On Santorum - http://www.forbes.com/sites/jerrybowyer/2012/04/04/problems-with-the-truth-confessions-of-a-22-year-rick-santorum-observer/

Someone who agrees with you, Politijim.

It would seem that those who have known Santorum have found honesty to be an elusive quality.

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