Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Newt on Santorum

When will Tea Partiers wake up and realize that they are betting on the wrong horse? Here is part of what Newt posted on Redstate about Santorum (h/t Conservatives with Newt):

The leadership of the Rick Santorum Republicans proved disastrous:

  • The Rick Santorum Republicans never passed a single balanced budget, after inheriting balanced budgets and record surpluses. They racked up $1.7 trillion in deficits and increased the average number of earmarks by almost 500 percent. The Senator even voted for the Bridge to Nowhere.
  • The Rick Santorum Republicans increased the national debt by 12 percent and voted to raise the debt ceiling five times to accommodate it—even while dealing with a president of their own party.
  • The Senator voted with Democrats and Big Labor to defeat the National Right to Work Act of 1995. He justifies this vote saying he was representing Pennsylvania where forced unionization is the law but today, PA Senator Toomey is cosponsoring nearly identical legislation.
  • The Senator voted with Democrats and Big Labor — repeatedly — to protect Davis-Bacon legislation, an old law on the books that requires the federal government to pay more to its contractors. He was so wedded to big labor that he even voted against waiving Davis-Bacon in times of emergency. By voting to protect Davis-Bacon, the Senator cost taxpayers many millions in higher taxes, deficits, and national debt.
  • The Senator sponsored the "Santorum Amendment" to raise the Minimum Wage 21.4%. He supported Ted Kennedy's proposed hike in the Minimum Wage. And, in a 2006 campaign commercial, he bragged about his support for a higher Minimum Wage.
  • The Rick Santorum Republicans abandoned their principles, resulting in the worst electoral defeat for Republicans since Watergate and the loss of GOP Congressional majorities in both the House and Senate. This left Congress in the hands of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. And in destroying the Republican brand of balanced budgets and spending control, the Rick Santorum Republican failure gave us Barack Obama in 2008.

This is not a record of leadership to be proud of, and in 2006 it resulted in a catastrophic 18-point defeat. I fear it would do so again in the fall of 2012 if he were the nominee.

Unlike Senator Santorum, I did not go to Washington seeing politics as a "team sport." Instead, I set out to change the game, and was willing to fight the forces of the establishment within the Republican Party to do so. The result was the first GOP majority in 40 years and the largest increase in pro-life votes in House of Representatives history. When I was Speaker, we balanced the budget for the first time since the 1920s — and it stayed balanced for four straight years. We reformed welfare, lifting millions of Americans from poverty. We passed the biggest capital gains tax cut in history, helping create 11 million jobs. And we did it all while paying down the national debt by $400 billion.

Cross-posted from libertarian neocon's blog.


I really wish the Santorum supporters would come back to earth and realize their candidate is riding on Newt's coattails.

He's socially conservative, but his past fiscal record is out there for all to see.

It was great that Newt responded. The people at Red State seemed appreciative that Newt was involved in the discussion.

trying to like Santorum, but he just doesn't do it for me. been a Newt fan for along time, don't understand why he is not seen as the obvious choice

Rick Santorum has some explaining to do on the Fannie/Freddie issue:

"2005: Fannie & Freddie should create housing affordability

In his eight years on the Senate Banking Committee, there was one issue where Santorum sought to play a leading role. Santorum, despite his reputation as a conservative stalwart, had a keen interest in providing disadvantaged families greater access to affordable housing.

In 2005, when Banking Committee Republicans were trying to tighten the regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Santorum pushed to include language in the legislation that would strengthen their affordable-housing goals. “We’re very concerned about making sure that we do things in working with this legislation to improve the access to affordable housing,” Santorum said during a July 2005 hearing. He wanted to orient Fannie and Freddie “toward taking a more active role in creating housing opportunities for low and moderate income families.”

But 6 years later, GOP presidential candidates say Fannie & Freddie should have been far less oriented toward providing affordable housing–not more so, as Santorum was advocating.
Source: Kevin Wack in “American Banker”, “Santorum Runs from Record” , Jan 9, 2012

Newt Gingrich’s economic stances compared to Santorum’s

Do Santorum & Gingrich agree on Freddie and Fannie? (No, Santorum supports low-income mortgages and Gingrich would abolish the whole program).

How do Santorum & Gingrich differ on the Death Tax? (They both would limit the estate tax, but with different justifications). http://www.issues2000.org/2012/Rick_Santorum_Budget_+_Economy.htm

This is the man who attacked Newt because he consulted for Fannie and Freddie telling them to change their course and urged House Republicans to vote against the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

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