Monday, March 26, 2012

A PolitiJim Apology to Santorum Supporters


I’m a complex bird.  My roots are from the South Side of Chicago but I hate corruption.  I’m fearless of death, but I’m only 11 inches tall.  I pride myself of never backing down from a fight and yet there are rumors I’ve been seen watching repeated viewings of Notting Hill and Downtown Abbey.  (I will neither confirm or deny.)

I love Jesus but HATE religion.  (I didn’t meet Jesus for the longest time because of legalistic Christians who tried to put me under rules rather than just getting to know Him and let Jesus change me.)

The whole “Santorum Lovers Unwilling To Soberly Syllogize” was just me being me.  Edgy, Witty, Funny (at least to non-Santorum’s), irreverent and unvarnished, packing a punch of raw truth without really caring what people thought.  That’s me, I think.  And I never was insinuating any sexual aspersions, just political truths that some Republicans will “sleep” with any candidate who they think will pay them a little attention or validate their world view regardless of what THEY really stand for or are qualified to do.

When I came up with the acronym, I admit to seeing the benefit of shock value.  Not for the sake of traffic or notoriety, but for the same sentiment one enacts on a close friend who won’t stop hysterically screaming about the fly in their soup or the mouse on the newly waxed kitchen floor. 

Honestly, I thought I couldn’t take it anymore.  And by “it” I mean the hypocrisy of Christians not only unwilling to research and acknowledge the multitude of improprieties of a guy who claims “his faith is the most important thing,”  but their complete disregard of Christian virtue such as truth, honesty, and personal responsibility to know what you are talking about.  Not just repeating what your favorite talk show host says.  To me, many Santorum supporters had become like Global Warming lib-bots. Despite whatever evidence you give them on Rick’s weaknesses, you were a heretic to either this “true” conservative or “you simply must be wrong because
Mr. Santorum is a good Christian man.”  Some were even condemning Newt Gingirch’s adultery despite a) the extenuating circumstances involved, his public repentance and forgiveness by God, and the complete acceptance by these same people of Santorum’s fornication for years before he made Karen an honest woman.  Some of these supporters seemed to be right out of Rock Ridge and Newt was the new sheriff.

But in all honesty, I had been having second thoughts about my use of the word choice since writing the first article and even apologized in the third installment.  I began thinking of the Santorum supporters honestly seeking truth that might not ever read it (or send it) because of the initial impression.  I thought of a friend whose heart raced when his wife walked into the room while reading it, wondering if he was going to have to defend MY term.  When the Twitter/Blog battle with Voices Empower - Tffany/MrsKlein54 began over the “SLUTSS” acronym, it had no influence on me.  When we found out that this alleged Santorum supporter had herself used the “F-word” at least 5 times on Twitter in the past month and even more times on her blog, I neither felt MORE justified in using it, or less.  I clearly am correct on facts from my vantage point.

Then at the end of the first night of the Twitter rhetorical ruckus, Tea Party leader Katrina Pierson tweeted this:

And a commenter added this the day after:

I dont like the acronym

You know, you religious people sure do know how to ruin the buoyancy of a backsliding, bullheaded birdy.

But they are right.  Repentance, kindness and compassion are also Christian virtues.  And I’ve accused Rick Santorum of not admitting HIS errors.  Well, fine then.  I’ll admit mine.  PolitiJim failed.  I am sorry if it offended anyone, Santorum supporters or not.  It’s not “setting an example” as the one set for me.  And as compassionate as these people were with me, I DO want to exhibit those traits of my Father to others.

Now, it doesn’t mean we all shave our heads and practice how to talk like Dennis Kucinich or Mr. Rodgers.  (They are different people, right?  Ok.  Just checking.)  When you grow up in Chicago you learn quickly that weakness will put a target on your sorry ass.   (Or mule – whatever form of transportation you may use.)  And no amount of kind words will turn the Taliban into gracious Gandhi's.

After all, Jesus made (and used) a bullwhip to kick the money changers out of the temple and used the saltiest language of the day to tell off the religious hypocrites.  He wasn’t all sweetness and light and sure won’t be when He comes back as King. 

But overall, we are to “turn the other cheek” within reason.  There is a scripture that SEEMS contradictory at first – but makes a lot of sense:

Answer not a [self-confident] fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him.

Answer a [self-confident] fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes and conceit.

In other words, don’t stoop to the level of the idiots unless there is a chance you can do it in a way that will humble them.  And you’d think we would have learned from the liberals that even the appearance of crass confrontation never wins anyone over.

I’m not being “backed down,” coerced or “politically corrected” into this.  It’s the right thing to do to please the true “Big Bird”. (And you uptight religious people back off the Big Bird comment.  An eagle bird is one of the four elements of Christ in Revelation and God even equates His own character to elements of an eagle.)

You see, it wasn’t the brash Twitter, or Blogging, pretend Tea Party hypocrites that motivated me to apologize.  (It sure as hell wasn’t the fear of someone being upset at me or loosing a following.)

It was the Word of God tweeted by a fellow Tea Partier who was setting an example of how to set an example.  An example of blessing those who curse you.  And the comment of “unknown” (really people at least put in a cartoon name so I can identify you from the other 400 “Unknowns”) who was demonstrating gentleness in their discomfort at the term I used.

It is THESE people – and the way they went about it – that made me see the birdy in the mirror not as an eagle, but as a turkey.

I certainly could have made my point without using such a pejorative acronym, and again, I’m truly sorry.

So I will go back and change the title’s of those articles if I can.  And in the future, I will be more kind and gentle in how I phrase things.  And for the Santorum followers who still remain blind to the true character of their vicarious votary, I have a part 4 still coming on financial issues with Rick.  It’s called:

Financial & Economic Nescients Under The Santorm Spell.


Financial & Economic Nescients Under The Santorm Spell.

hahahahhaa I love it!!

oops! NUTSS!!!!! I was too excited!

Hey, PolitiJim, you may even be better at writing apologies than you are about politics! :)

"NUTSS" lol

The next time I ask for the caption to be changed, I'll use the scriptures)tongue in cheek, but still ticked -Love you!

I liked your other alt name better. SCABS.

Supportive unless nascent statistics have indicated nominal egress for a new selection

Thank you PolitiJim!

I respect you so much for this article! "When we were wrong, promptly admitted it." Also, beautifully written. Sincere. Loving Jesus but religion not so much, I can understand.

I don't know how to ask this in as beautiful a way as the fellow-TEA Partier who tweeted you -- but -- would you consider? Could we please we have an additional alternate title for tweeting and leaving in comments, for the one about Newt?

PolitiJim, I think the more people who read your articles, the better off we will all be. Your writing is really one-of-a-kind, must-read. I want your words to be read as widely as possible because your analysis is so good. And you put in links for the facts. I love that so much.

I can leave your article in comments with a headline - even if it just contained the word NOT! or something.

I hope my request seems gentle. I mean it gently.

Thanks for all you do, PolitiJim!

You are an amazing little bird with a such a big 'ole heart!!!!!!!!!

Articles like this are what separate you from the rest!!

God Bless YOU , PolitiJim. :)

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